O guia definitivo para Publicidade online

Dale vida a tu marca con videos Aumenta el reconocimiento de tu marca, realiza un seguimiento de los usuarios qual vieron tus anuncios antes y llega a los clientes potenciales mientras ven o buscan videos en YouTube. App de juego Anuncio

Muestra tu marca a más personas Muestra tu marca de modo a aumentar el alcance y la participación. Promociona tu aplicación de modo a los usuarios nuevos Promociona tu aplicación entre los usuarios adecuados de modo a impulsar las descargas y la participación.

Ad control: Publishers can fully control who can or cannot advertise on their platform, including having the ability to blacklist certain advertisers.  

Quais são os 2 formatos de anúncio em vídeo otimizados de modo a aumentar este engajamento e executar ESTES clientes lembrarem da sua marca primeiro na hora de comprar?

At this point, pricing policy here may differ from a regular public market, yet it provides fair, plain, and transparent terms for acquiring high-quality impressions. Finer impressions lead to better in stream video ads placement for only the relevant audience, which brings a higher conversion rate for advertisers. To put it simply, brands can find suitable content verticals to target the right audience and forget about frittering ad budgets away.

Maximize seus resultados usando um sitio personalizado e otimizado, desenvolvido de modo a alcançar ESTES objetivos de sua própria empresa e proporcionar uma Muito boa experiência para seus visitantes.

Comparar seu CPA com o desempenho da pesquisa de marca e aguardar por 1 a 3 tempo de modo a alcançar a performance do CPA desejado, previamente de tomar ajustes.

De modo a garantir de que as get more info vizinhos pensem na sua marca ao tomar decisões, qual objetivo por marketing você deve usar na campanha do vídeo do Google?

At any given moment, multiple advertisers can bid on a single impression of a publisher’s inventory, then the winning ad (with the highest bid) is shown to the user. Through RTB, advertisers can apply fine-tuned targeting and focus on the inventory most relevant to them.

Another key benefit of SSP software is that it allows publishers to better control pricing of their ad inventory, e.g. through using floor prices.

Começar com a estratfoigia “Maximizar conversões” para estabelecer a performance do CPA e depois mudar para este CPA desejado de modo a gerar mais conversões com base nele.

Take, for example, the moment in a mobile game where the player watches an ad between game levels. At that moment, the mobile SSP runs an auction for all of the advertisers interested in showing an ad to that player.

We hope you’ll enjoy the new version. Use the service and leave feedback on any platform you like. Changelog

Due to the real-time bidding algorithm, it’s possible to analyze factors of any single impression and take into account their own data and targeting elements to accredit the optimal creative to provide alongside the associated bid value, including new standards such as unified id.

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